Saturday, January 31, 2009

Count Your Blessings....

I somehow came across this blog yesterday, and the Whitt family (not to be confused with the Wild Whitts) has been on my mind ever since. I don't know what to say, except I'm sure they could use all of our prayers. Check out their blog if you have a few minutes, but make sure you have a box of Kleenex close by.

2 pennies for your thoughts:

Shelby said...

So thanks for the little thought. My kids where whinning and i just couldn't wait to put them to bed. After checking out that blog i am so thankful that they are healthy. My thoughts and prayers are with The whitt family. Thanks

Granny Annie said...

I know we can never take anything for granted...Savor every moment, never forget the "I love you's" We must count our every blessing. To have our loved ones for a moment, a minute, an hour, day or year is a great blessing! I am so thankful to have had my children much longer than this little one, even though they left far to young. I would have rather had them for the short time than never had them at all. I am so sad for this family. Only,one who has lost a child can imagine the pain and hole in their heart that can never be filled while left behind on this place called Earth....I thank God everyday for his great plan which gives me great hope and faith to be with them again.
I will keep the special Whitt Family in my heartfelt prayers. I can relate to the pain they are going through right now. I pray that they have the same knowledge of the hereafter, which I know is for sure. Love of my Heavenly Father, friends and family and faith is what comforts me. And I hope this helps to sustain them also.