Saturday, January 24, 2009

'Old McDonald had a ... Babysitter??'

Here's a cute video of Brylen and her new babysitter. This little activity thingy (I don't know what else to call it) can buy me at least 30 minutes of uninterupted cleaning time... if I can stop watching how cute it is when she gets so excited and 'talks' to the animals. Thank you Fisher-Price!

4 pennies for your thoughts:

Rachel said...

She is so dang cute--what a little Melissa! I really wish we lived closer so I could see you and the girls. :( Hug them both for me.

Granny Annie said...

Brylen Jean is so good! Pretty good at entertaining herself I would say! she is just getting big so fast! Before long Brylen and Neeley will both be big enough and then watch out!...two heads are better than one! just think of what these two smart little girls can do! Bet they will keep you on your toes!!! How fun it will be!!!
Love you!

Grandma 'D' said...

What a little doll! She reminds me so much of you lissa. I can't wait to see her again. Give her kisses and squeezes from Grandma!
Wish I had old McDonald when you were babies

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I wish Jaxon would lay under one of those things. You could post a million pictures of Miss Brylen Jean, and she would still get prettier with each picture. Like you say, "LOCK HER UP!"