Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2008 ... Down in Flames

Here's how we started out our New Year ....

New Year's Day, Brian went out in the garage to rearrange vehicles (our yard always looks like a used car lot), to find that the Ford had caught on fire. He had the block heater plugged in, and I guess it somehow caught fire and burned and melted the entire front of the truck.

You can kind of see all of the melted rubber hanging off what's left of the bumper.
Here's the scorched front license plate in a pile of ash.

It truly is a miracle that the entire garage didn't go up in flames. We would have lost the four-wheeler, the Ranger, the truck, and probably our fifth-wheel parked four or five feet away, not to mention all the tools, gas cans, and other crap that's in there. It seriously could have exploded or caught our house on fire.

These pictures are just showing how close the trailer sits to the garage.

And I saved the best pictures for last: Brian's Baby getting loaded onto the tow truck. I guess it's kind of funny (if you have a warped sense of humor) ... not that it caught fire, just that it had to be hauled off on a tow truck.

I really am so thankful that we didn't lose the entire truck or garage. I guess 2009 can only get better from here .... RIGHT????

8 pennies for your thoughts:

Nat Lud said...

Wow that is so lucky that the truck is all that got 'injured'. 2009 is off to a bang!

Rachel said...

What a rip-roaring start to your new year. I'm so glad that nothing else caught fire & that everything else is okay. At least Brian has his pick of vehicles to drive from your "lot." And you thought you had all those vehicles for no reason. ;)

Steph said...

I can only say this because nobody got hurt...but thats hilarious! Should have got a Chevy as my husband would say. If it isn't a chevy then why are you driving it.

Crystal said...

That big bad truck looks so sad on the tow truck. I feel like I need to send a sympathy card to poor Brian. (sniffle, sniffle)

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

My heart goes to to Brian. I know he loved that truck from the bottom of my heart...I'll hold back the Ford jakes, and I'm super glad everyone and everything else is okay.

Grandma 'D' said...

I feel so bad for Brian, that was his first baby! It was a special occasion when the truck was allowed out of the garage to be driven. Sorry Brian.....we can lend you the Chevy if you want...jk we have had to awesome ford cars.

Granny Annie said...

All I can say is how sorry for your loss, but how thankful I am that no one was hurt (except poor Bian's baby! and his feelings) and nothing else was harmed...it could easily have been so much worse!...I truly think angels were watching over you!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Okay, I must have been having a bad day because my grammar was awful!