Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our Lil' Genius

Now I know that every mother thinks her kid is the smartest, but I'm not just being a delusional (or proud) Mom when I tell you that our little Neeley Bug is stinkin' smart. She's been able to sing her ABC's (forwards and backwards) pretty much since she was in the womb, and I think we'll just skip Preschool and Elementary and start her right in Jr. High... maybe even High School. he,he.

OK... OK... I'll stop. In all the honesty, Neeley is smart, and she loves learning new things. She especially loves to draw and color. She recognizes most of her letters, and can even write a few. We've been working on her name the past couple of days, and she's getting pretty good. Well... I guess it's downright awesome for a two-and-a-half-year-old.

She still has a hard time remembering what order the letters go, but she can write them without any help. I just wanted to cry tonight when I realized how big she's getting.

Here she is practicing her N's. She just learned how to write them last night.

7 pennies for your thoughts:

Crystal said...

What a smarty pants! You can tell she is sooo proud of herself, way to go Neeley bug!

Grandma 'D' said...

Wow, how impressive! She IS so stinking cute, and smart. Grandma is so proud of her...and her parents. She has to get it somewhere.

Granny Annie said...

Amazing! She is so cute and smart!...I remember a little girl named Melissa, that did the same thing! You was her age when we would take you for a ride and you would say all the letters on all the signs we passed,and ask what they said.....also, we could hardly supply you with enough paper to write on...and no I really don't think you ever slept.
Love you!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

As smart as she is, she is even cuter. Brian is in BIG trouble. Tell Neeley her name looks awesome and that we miss her tons.

Nat Lud said...

Smart just like her mom! She is cute. Awesome name writing!

Rachel said...

What a smartie--genius really--like her Aunt Rachel! ;) And such a cutie. I love the new big girl pig tails.

Rachel said...
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