Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"Where are you?"

Who can resist this sweet, little munchkin voice? (BTW - she's looking for a crayon!?) Don't forget to turn the music off before you hit play.

4 pennies for your thoughts:

Granny Annie said...

How adorable! She is just so cute!
Keep sending these......we love them!
Love and miss you!
Gram and Gramp

Grandma 'D' said...

Neeley, where are you? Grandma misses you.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Why aren't you playing the memory game? Too scared....

LittleMissTicia(: said...

Hey Melissa,
I miss you so much! You do know who this is right? Well if you dont, look on my blog. You will find out!

Love You,