Sunday, June 8, 2008

Neeley's Birthday Week

"I TWO!!!"

Where does the time go? It seems like the second we had Neeley, time started moving at double speed. On June 3rd, my sweet little baby turned two. I guess she is no longer a baby. Oh, how sad!!

We sort of had a birthday "week", Lynette style. On the Saturday before her birthday, we went fishing at Scofield. Not much luck fishing, but tons of fun in the sand and water. Then we came home and had pizza and a Disney Princess ice cream cake with Brian's fam and Russell and Steph and the kids. It was a lot of fun. As you can see on her lips, she had already been sampling the blue frosting. Fun, fun, fun!

3 pennies for your thoughts:

Granny Annie said...

Love the birthday pictures....what a fun time! Neeley looks pretty serious over the whole thing. This is probably the first birthday she really knows what it is all about.
She is beautiful and her cake is so cute! and so his her little blue frosting covered face.
Glad you had such a fun birthday Neeley! (and mommy and daddy too.)
Love you!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Can I just say "WOW!" You have officially set the blogging record and totally made my day :) Happy Birthday to Neeley!

Grandma 'D' said...

I hear the party was great. To bad we weren't invited. Just kidding.