Sunday, June 8, 2008

The 'Birthday Week' Finale

And, for the 'Birthday Week' Finale, we went to the Hogle Zoo. This was Neeley's first time at the zoo, and we didn't know what to expect. It was fun, but not the best weather - by the time we left it was starting to rain and was getting a little bit chilly. I couldn't get a picture with Brian's eyes open. This was our third try . . . but doesn't he have beautiful, dark lashes? I am so jealous!
Such serious faces! I don't know why these two aren't smiling?!? We really did have a super fun time. Neeley would have been content just watching two or three of the animals all day long. She would get so mad when we would make her move on to another part of the zoo. She especially loved the turkeys, elephants, and zebras. Oh, and cotton candy! She watched an elephant poop, and that is all she has talked about. It was impressive - and absolutely disgusting. I couldn't watch, but Neeley and Brian enjoyed the "show". Here's my little animal lover. She hugged and kissed and squeezed this poor little leopard for half an hour, but she ended up choosing a white, yes white alligator. They shouldn't be allowed to make white stuffed animals, no matter how cute they are. It stayed white for about half a second.
And this is the most traumatic picture of all. We started walking into the "Small Animal and Reptile Building" and Neeley caught a whiff of what was to come. She was dry heaving before we even made it through the second set of doors. She is so sensitive to any gross smell and quite the little gagger. I know I have a warped sense of humor, but it was funny. You should have seen her little face. Priceless!

Happy Birthday Neeley Bug!

p.s. Thanks for the monkey 'backpack', Grandma Annie! It's pretty much the coolest invention ever!

3 pennies for your thoughts:

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

The gagging story is funny. Jase loved Hogle Zoo too :) We'll have to make a cousin day out of it soon.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

PS--When Neeley is a little older, I'll make sure and tell her it's a birthday month...not week :)

Grandma 'D' said...

I used to hate the zoo because of the smells too. What we won't do for our little ones. Hilarious though, glad you had such a great time.