Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!



Can you hear the angel choirs? My handsome husband is back! Not that a silly billy goatee could ever make him ugly... but I um...just, um... yeah... no. I just received this picture message on my phone... Brian cut the goatee off. This isn't the first time he has had one that long... the last one was way longer... and he wore it in a ponytail. With lots of rubber bands. Like a 'Hell's Angel'. Now I have the giggles. But that's another post for another day.

6 pennies for your thoughts:

Steph said...

Much better! I was starting to wonder if he was gonna buy a harley and start dressing in leather. congratulations!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

HOORAY, APPLAUSE, CHEERING, WHISTLING...What a handsome guy! Did he donate to locks of love? I mean, there could be guys out there looking for extra arm pit hair...he, he

Rachel said...

What made him want to shave? Could he share his secret with David? Although David could never grow a goatee like Brian's--thank goodness. ;)

Granny Annie said...

Lookin Good!.... just a little tidbit from grany.. I think men have to have a little variety in their looks too!...after all they don't wear makeup...most don't dye their hair and they don't wear high heels! Gosh they need change too! or they might not be noticed!
Love you all!

Crystal said...

Granny may be right but it doesn't make those long goatees look any better. I LOVE the new look, Brian is a babe!!

Nat Lud said...

How fun! Always love a new look and a clean shaven man! (Well, almost clean shaven! ;))