Thursday, March 19, 2009

Let's Party!

I'm a total slacker, but better late than never, RIGHT? My sister, Lynette, is having a MODBE Party, and I am going to have TONS of new bows and goodies from my Snugglebug Bowtique. I'm too lazy... I mean too busy making bows... to actually download pictures and make an invitation and all that good stuff, so here's the link to my sister Crystal's blog. She's totally on top of things, and she has posted all of the info about the party. I must have missed the 'organized-on-the-ball' gene. Anyway, come to the party. There will be lots of good food (courtesy of Nettie Skettie), and we are going to be giving away some fun prizes. Good food, stimulating conversation, and free stuff!!!!! See ya there!!!!!!! (Click HERE for more info)

1 pennies for your thoughts:

Nat Lud said...

I wish I could be there! I would prob drag my girls' wardrobes over to match every outfit with a bow. Hope ya sell lots!