Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Celebrate!

Today is Neeley Ann's birthday. Our sweet baby turned 3 years old! We tried to wake her up before Brian left for work so that he could watch her open her presents, but she was O-U-T out.

So it was up to us girls to get the party started!

Neeley opened her presents, while Brylen did this:

Let the celebration begin! Neeley still has a big present at home, we are going to try to go to the zoo on Saturday, and then we're having a little party on Sunday. Stay tuned for more pictures of the festivities!

5 pennies for your thoughts:

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Happy Birthday, Neeley Bug! Hope you get every thing your heart desires...and don't forget to remind your Dad about his piano promise ;) We LOVE you!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday, Neeley! And I hope you have a fun birthday party on Sunday. I love you!

And your girls are beautiful. They are both getting so big. I miss you all. Kiss those pretty girls for me.

Grandma 'D' said...

What a great day we had today in Delta with our little Neeley and Brylen. I hope Neeley had a great day, I kow we did. Anyway, that last picture with Brylen in it is is like looking at a pic of you Melissa when you were that age. What a Dolly!!!

Crystal said...

Oooooh, can I have them? Hope Neeley had a great birthday & more fun at her party in Price. We'll see ya there - Hopefully!

Nat Lud said...

so cute. Love all the latest postings! Brylen is getting so big and Neeley is just such a big girl. Looks like a fun day!