Thursday, April 16, 2009

Has anyone seen my baby?

Dear Neeley Ann,
I just snuck into your room to check on you as you sleep. Instead of finding my tiny, little baby Neeley, I found a big girl. When... HOW??? did you get so big? Just yesterday you didn't have two strands of hair, and tonight, there you lay with two -yes, TWO- blonde piggy tails. Instead of being my baby, you're now busy 'baby-ing' your baby sister. What a wonderful big sister you have turned out to be.
Sweet, little girl, please stop growing up so darn fast! Slow down and let your mommy watch you 'be little' for just a minute longer.
I love you, Neeley Bug... little, big, and everything in-between.



P.S. Will you please pass this message on to your sister? You two seem to have some sort of unspoken 'language'. I just whispered it into her ear, but maybe she'll listen to you.

7 pennies for your thoughts:

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I tried to tell Jase the same thing, but he must not have had his "listening" ears on. PS...I LOVE Neeley's dress in the last picture ;)

Nat Lud said...

She's been a doll all along! Love these pics. Isn't it crazy how fast time flies? You're a great mama. Loved this post.

Crystal said...

"Don't blink" takes on a whole new meaning when you have kids. It's so fun to watch them grow but a little sad too. Enjoy every moment with your dollies & give them a kiss from ME!

Steph said...

This post made me cry. NOt that that is difficult. But I have been feeling that exact way as i've contemplated Emma's birthday. I can't possibly have a 4 year old. Where did that chubby baby go.
Those Girls you have are so beautiful and precious!

Grandma 'D' said...

How precious they are as little babies...but how special they are as they grow, learn and teach you wonderful things you could only learn from a child. Embrace every day and every opportunity to love them. It is only for a moment!!!

Granny Annie said...

I agree with my daughter DeAnn..but, I am many years older! is not always easy....but our family, children and grandchildren make it a Heaven on Earth!...what will it be like in Eternity! even better! And every age is priceless! Enjoy every minute, even the hard ones!
Love ya Lissi, and hug those beautiful little girls for me!

Rachel said...

I can't believe she is so big! She is so much fun and such a little beauty! You are such an amazing mama, and your post was so sweet. Give those sweet girls kisses for me.