Sunday, September 14, 2008

Worn Out

Neeley has become quite the little night owl. She doesn't like taking naps anymore, so you would think that she would be exhausted come bed time . . . I am! Anyway, yesterday she played all day with Jadon and Jacob, and I knew she was getting tired. So I bathed her ( I had to practically wrestle her to get her into her pajamas), and she insisted on sitting in her 'Dora' chair and watching TV. That lasted about one second and she was out. Doesn't she look so sweet?

4 pennies for your thoughts:

Grandma 'D' said...

3 new blogs. I luv it!!! There is nothing more precious than a sleeping child. Especially when she is my grandbaby. she is so sweet and we will see you all in a week. I can't wait. We are all keeping Brian in our prayers and especially you and your girls. We luv you! Dad has been off 12 days and now he will get a weeks vacation on the 17. I think I am going to go nuts. How do these women do it whose husbands retire? They must go out and get a job for themselves!

Granny Annie said...

How precious "Little Neeley sleeping" so you think she is dreaming of when her daddy will be home? about her new baby sister that will be here soon? with the feeling of the love and comfort and safety her Mommy gives her.
Soon, you can look at your two little girls sleeping and think of the miracles of life and love they bring to you.
I too, keep each of your special little family in my prayers.
Brian, is definately serving his country and we are proud of him!
Love you!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Neeley is a doll. I wish I could just fall asleep in an instant. BTW, I'll take her for a week, a month, forever...

Steph said...

OHH... she is soo Precious. Glad we got to see you today. Neeley was such a sweetheart to Gauge even tho He was being a turd!