Monday, April 21, 2008

About My Hubby

1. What is his name? Brian John Robertson

2. Who eats more? Sadly, me most of the time!

3. Who said I love you first? I knew I loved him first, so probably me.

4. Who is taller? Brian, by two go-go gadget legs!

5. Who is smarter? I would say me, Brian would say himself.

6. Who is more sensitive? ME!

7. Who does the laundry? Me, but Brian helps out quite a bit. He just doesn't like to put clothes away.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? My right? Brian.

9. Who pays the bills? Me, but with Brian's money

10. Who cooks more? McDonald's.

11. What meals do you cook together? Dutch oven dinners in the mountains.

12. Who is more stubborn? We are both very stubborn, but I am the most stubborn.

13. Who is the first to admit they're wrong? Brian, because he is sick of listening to me whine.

14. Who is more clean? Me, just not these days.

15. Who has more siblings? Me - three sisters, two brothers.

16. Who wears the pants in the relationship? What pants? We both just run around naked.

17. What do you like to do together? Go for rides in the mountains.

18. Who eats more sweets? Me

19. Guilty Pleasures? Anything to do with hunting.

20. How did you meet? Brian was the inventory manager at Smiths, and I worked at the Zions Bank inside the store.

21. Who asked who out first? He made one of his friends come up and talk to me, (how cute) and then he came up and talked to me a few days later. The rest is history.

22. Who kissed who first? Brian kissed me.

23. Who proposed? Brian. We were sitting on the steps of my little house in Price at about 1:00 in the morning. Oh, how sweet. I was completely shocked!

24. His best features? hmmm, so hard to choose . . . His beautiful green eyes and long, dark eyelashes.

25. What is his best quality? Another toughy . . . the way he takes care of me and Neeley. He tries to be tough, but he is really a softy when it comes to his babies.

2 pennies for your thoughts:

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Wow! I am completely and utterly blogged :) And you better let Brian read this post as it is quite romantic. Now more pictures, but none of you and Brian running around naked...Well, maybe just Brian. Ha Ha Ha

Crystal said...

Sensitive? You? I had no idea:)