Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome Home Daddy!

FINALLY! Brian made it home safe a week ago. The rest of his company stayed in Texas, but a handful of guys came home a little bit early. He was getting nervous that he wasn't going to be here when the baby was born, not to mention his spike elk hunt started yesterday. I guess whatever it takes! It was a LONG 3 1/2 weeks, and I am so happy he is home. This is a truck that took them into the swamps in Louisiana to fix the power lines.

They had to ride a ferry back and forth everyday to a "man camp" where they were staying. The man camp was a little self-sufficient town where they slept and ate. They even had people there doing their laundry.

While they were in the man camp, they had to sleep in refrigerated semi-trailers filled with bunks stacked three high. Can you imagine my seven-foot-tall husband sleeping in the middle bunk? Any bunk for that matter? He barely fits in our Cali. King bed!!

This is a picture of his crew working on a steel pole. They had to pound stakes into the pole so that they could climb it. Sometimes it's better that I don't know exactly 'what' he does while he's at work.

I wish I would have taken a picture of Neeley when she saw her daddy pull up in front of our house. She was peeking out the window yelling, "There's my Daddy! That's my Daddy, momma!" It was the sweetest thing ever! We're just so glad he's home!

3 pennies for your thoughts:

Granny Annie said...

We are all so proud of Brian!....we know it was very uncomfortable and extremely dangerous! I really don't think people around here understand how lucky we are and the danger these great guys put themselves in to serve all those people in need! and to mention it is hard on their families left behind to worry and fend for themselves! I am sure the good Lord looked after everyone and listened to the prayers in their behalf.
So glad he made it home safe! Think he has earned the hunting!
Love you Brian and Thank You!

Steph said...

Aren't you so glad to have your hubby home. Especially since the baby will be here any day. Looks like he was really roughing it.f

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

I almost cried when I read Neeley was waiting at the window shouting for her daddy. I don't know what I would do if Dustin had to leave for over 3 weeks. What a trooper you are...and what a good daddy/hubby Brian is!