Monday, October 13, 2008

Maybe Baby - Take 2

Here's the scoop on the baby situation - - I just went to the dr. tonight, and we have to be back at the hospital in the morning. He say's there's a 90% chance we are going to have a baby tomorrow, and a 10% chance he's going to make me wait a few more days. He says he has to do what's best for the baby . . which I agree. BUT I'm going to be crying buckets if he sends us home. I'll try to keep everyone updated!

3 pennies for your thoughts:

Granny Annie said...

Good luck Sweetie....hope it is today and so does Shanda. She would love for Baby Brylen, to have the same birthday as she has. She said to tell everyone Hi and she loves you!
I am trying to wait patiently, but it is really hard! I'm just waiting for that phone call from your mom!
Wish I could be there!
Hug! and lots of love!

Crystal said...

I don't know how normal prego gals go 40 weeks. But then again, if we had normal pregnancies maybe it would be worth it. I hope they deliver her today so you don't have to be on mag. Good luck!

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Well, maybe baby take 2 was a flop! Your doctor should give money back guarantees :) Hang in'll have a beautiful baby girl on Tuesday! Plus October 21, that's our lucky number you know.