Monday, June 23, 2008

Neeley's Two Year Old Pictures

We had Neeley's pictures taken at Kiddie Kandid's this past weekend. It was total TRAUMA! She does not like to have her pictures taken, and she pretty much cried the entire time. I was surprised we ended up with so many good shots!

She has crazy hair, but I don't know what else to do with it! Her little legs look 10 feet long in this picture!

See!! Super crazy, blonde hair. I think it is still so cute, though!!! She was totally crying during this picture. Her little eyes are all red and puffy.

4 pennies for your thoughts:

Granny Annie said...

The pictures are all beautiful! and the hair is just to cute! Those long legs are for lucky!
Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
Neeley Ann, Great-grammy thinks your smile is so pretty. You are just adorable and so fun!
Love and miss you all.

Nat Lud said...

Meliss! She is beautiful! Can't believe you have another chica on the way. I love these pics!

Crystal said...

She looks so big. I can't wait to see you in July. You better not stand us up.

The Lawn Ranger's Woman said...

Hey, what's going on in July? Neeley looks darling...and don't be complaining about that hair. It took her long enough to get it! She's gorgeous :)